
Re-Imagine Bikon Blewut

Maumere, September 2021

Komunitas KAHE (Maumere, NTT)

Re-Imagine Bikon Blewut This art exhibition was held in collaboration between the KAHE Community and the Bikon Blewut Museum and the Ledalero College of Philosophy Student Senate (STFK). This exhibition was held at the Bikon Blewut Museum, Saint Paul Ledalero Seminary, Sikka Regency, NTT. In addition to exhibitions, this activity has other series such as: tours and literacy, seminars entitled “Church, Colonialism, and Modernism”, dialogue on historical archives in Flores, film screenings and discussions, talks about the creative process, as well as various musical performances “Rumah Teduh Orin Bao”. All of this takes place from 18-24 September 2021.

Re-Imagine Bikon Blewut brings a vision of reflection and dissemination of knowledge about the Bikon Blewut Museum and all the knowledge production that takes place in it. At the same time, Re-Imagine Bikon Blewut is intended to open horizons for reading and interpreting the history of colonialism and modernism. Re-Imagine Bikon Blewut, which was held in Flores, was initiated by a number of intensive researches, in order to know and understand the cross between Flores culture and modernism, which was also present at the same time as colonialism and evangelization pioneered by Catholic church missionaries.

Through this activity, it is expected to have a double effect for the Bikon Blewut Museum and the organizers. First, for the Bikon Blewut Museum, the process of re-imagining offers a re-reading of the existence of the museum and efforts to transform it into a new form. Second, for the organizers and visitors, this activity should be a field to find its own experience in order to produce newness and the best in life.